Member Spotlights


September: Shannan Young, RDN, SNS

RDN Spotlight: Shannan Young, RDN, SNS

Meet Shannan, a dedicated registered dietitian with a remarkable 30-year career spanning local, state, federal, and international levels in school food and nutrition education. Her journey is one of commitment to public health, food systems transformation, and empowering communities through education.

Read Shannan’s story!

August: Shannon Gleave, RDN, SNS

RDN Spotlight: Shannon Gleave, RDN, SNS

Get to know Shannon Gleave! With over 15 years of experience, she holds a wealth of knowledge and passion for the field of school nutrition. Shannon serves as the current 2024-2025 School Nutrition Association (SNA) President and is the Director of Food & Nutrition at Glendale Elementary School District in Glendale, Arizona.

Read her story!

July: Meghan Martinson, MS, RD, LD

RDN Spotlight: Meghan Martinson, MS, RD, LD

Get to know the incoming SNS DPG Chair, Meghan Martinson! Meghan is committed to engaging school nutrition professionals in the SNS DPG and listening to the voices of the membership. Her journey to school nutrition began from the flexibility of the role, and continues as she creates her own path in the field.

Read her story!

June: Lucy Balogun, MPA, RD, LD

RDN Spotlight: Lucy Balogun, MPA, RD, LD

Meet Lucy Balogun, MPA, RD, LD! Lucy’s career has spanned far and wide in the world of dietetics. The Chair-Elect of the National Organization of Blacks in Dietetics and Nutrition (NOBIDAN) Member Interest Group, Lucy’s involvement across Academy groups and versatile expertise mark her as a stellar achievement in dietetics. Read more about Lucy!

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May: Amy Virus, MS, RD, LDN

RDN Spotlight: Amy Virus, MS, RD, LDN

Amy Virus (pronounced VE-rus) , Manager of Administrative and Supportive Services for the School District of Philadelphia, knows her way around an excel spreadsheet and dragon boat racing. A woman of many talents, it’s no surprise she is our feature spotlight this month. Ask her about the merits of a cabbage pierogi, and you may spark a lively debate that’s been carried on through the years thanks to her grandmother’s tradition of homemade pierogies.

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April: Cindy Culver, MS, RDN, LDN, SNS

RDN Spotlight: Cindy Culver, MS, RDN, LDN, SNS

Meet Cindy Culver, Food Service Director in Marietta Public Schools. Cindy serves as the SNS DPG IDEA Liaison. She is also a recipient of the 2023 Academy Foundation Scholarship, pursuing her doctoral degree in Organizational Leadership. Her journey with school nutrition is one that comes full circle from her own elementary education to her tenured career.

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March: Jennifer Bailey, MS, MPH, RDN, LDN, SNS

RDN Spotlight: Jennifer Bailey, MS, MPH, RDN, LDN, SNS

Meet Jennifer Bailey, MS, MPH, RDN, LDN, SNS! Jennifer has built her career in school nutrition from the ground up, working her way up through local and state levels of school meals, while bringing her passions and hobbies along for the ride.

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November: Brenda Wattles, RDN

RDN Spotlight: Brenda Wattles, RDN

Meet Brenda Wattles, RDN! Brenda's entrepreneurial spirit and expertise as a dietitian and chef has led her to make a name for herself in the world of school nutrition and food service.

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November: Jeanne Reilly, NDTR, SNS

RDN Spotlight: Jeanne Reilly, NDTR, SNS

Get to know Jeanne Reilly, NDTR, SNS! Jeanne has been a vital member of the SNS DPG, being a critical player in communicating and engaging with numerous school nutrition professionals.

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October: Jennifer Cadenhead, PhD, RD

RDN Spotlight: Dr. Jennifer Cadenhead, PhD, RD

Meet Dr. Jennifer Cadenhead, PhD, RD! Her heartening story of her career is motivating and encouraging for those seeking academia through their school nutrition path.

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September: Garrett Berdan, RDN

RDN Spotlight: Garrett Berdan, RDN

Get to know Garrett Berdan, RDN! Garrett’s distinct path into our beloved school nutrition niche is one to watch and sure to ignite your culinary passion. His time completing his culinary studies in his own version of the American west coast Hogwarts to crafting culinary training for the Institute of Child Nutrition is worth the read.

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August: Morgan McGhee & Jeanne Reilly, SNS, DTR

A couple of esteemed SNS DPG members have recently been recognized and selected to represent K-12 school nutrition professionals in respective participation and for their culinary innovation! Read on to hear about the latest success stories in the news from fellow members:

FoodCorps Director Morgan McGhee Announced as Part of Inaugural Obama Foundation United States Leaders

Read the Success Story Here!

The Produce Excellence in Foodservice Award pays special tribute to Jeanne Reilly, SNS, DTR, Director of School Nutrition in Windham, ME!

Read the Success Story Here!

June: Kelly Bristow, MS, RDN, LD

RDN Spotlight: Kelly Bristow, MS, RDN, LD

This month, we feature a nutrition expert excelling in a unique space, Kelly Bristow, MS, RDN, LD! Kelly’s path working with school nutrition and efforts in supporting and engaging with Farm-To-School initiatives has led her to her current role working in Global Nutrition Affairs with Bayer’s Crop Science division.

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May: Susan Thompson, MS, RDN, LDN, SNS

RDN Spotlight: Susan Thompson, MS, RDN, LDN, SNS

This month, we feature Tandy Blackwell, DHPE, RDN, SNS! Tandy is the Coordinator of Child Nutrition in Athens, Alabama. Tandy is who you want sitting next to you at the next CNP conference or meeting. She will get to know you and become your best CNP friend! Read more about her upbringing and what she brings to her role!

As we move forward into the next membership year, we meet our upcoming SNS DPG Chair, Susan Thompson, MS, RDN, LDN, SNS! Susan’s love for cooking and upbringing in North Carolina is exciting to delve into, and see where she can lead the SNS DPG. Read on to hear about Susan and her experiences that led her here!

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April: Julie Raway, MPH, RDN, CDN, SNS, FAND

RDN Spotlight: Julie Raway, MPH, RDN, CDN, SNS, FAND

This month, we feature Tandy Blackwell, DHPE, RDN, SNS! Tandy is the Coordinator of Child Nutrition in Athens, Alabama. Tandy is who you want sitting next to you at the next CNP conference or meeting. She will get to know you and become your best CNP friend! Read more about her upbringing and what she brings to her role!

Named a 2023 Outstanding Preceptor by the Academy, Julie Raway, MPH, RDN, CDN, SNS, FAND is worthy of the award nomination. In 12 years of serving as a preceptor, Julie has made a lasting impression on a plethora of future dietitians from numerous internship programs, all recognizing the value Julie holds with her wealth of experience and knowledge.

Read about Julie’s journey!

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March: Chef Lindsay Schoenfeld, RDN, and Chef Vahista Ussery, MS, MBA, RDN

RDN Spotlight: Chef Lindsay Schoenfeld, RDN, and Chef Vahista Ussery, MS, MBA, RDN

Get to know two Chef RDNs turned friends turned business partners - Chef Lindsay Schoenfeld, RDN, and Chef Vahista Ussery, MS, MBA, RDN in this month’s RDN Spotlight!

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February: Tandy Blackwell, DHPE, RDN, SNS

RDN Spotlight: Tandy Blackwell, DHPE, RDN, SNS

This month, we feature Tandy Blackwell, DHPE, RDN, SNS! Tandy is the Coordinator of Child Nutrition in Athens, Alabama. Tandy is who you want sitting next to you at the next CNP conference or meeting. She will get to know you and become your best CNP friend! Read more about her upbringing and what she brings to her role!

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January: RDN Spotlights from 2022

Looking to feel inspired? Need a boost of motivation? Featured dietitians from 2022 return in this month’s Spoodle, showing you there is more than one way to be an RDN. Your way! Take a look back at last year’s SNS DPG dietitian spotlight line-up (it could be you!)

2022 RDN Spotlights


December: Rachel Findley, MS, RDN, LDN

Would you let a coin flip decide your future? Rachel did. Rachel Findley, MS, RDN, LDN, a School Nutrition Director turned Didactic Program Director, is a kind and caring individual whose passion for feeding the future merged into teaching future dietitians. Dive into Rachel’s story and see where the fate of a coin flip led her!

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November: Chef RJ Harvey, RDN, CEC

Chef RJ Harvey, RDN, CEC (he/him/his) is no stranger to creating culinary excellence. His career expertise ranges from restaurants to corporate wellness, with a shift to K-12 and focus on “innovative ways to prepare America’s favorite vegetable”.

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October: FNCE® 2022


This month we focus on FNCE®! See our The Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo® feature and all the happenings from the conference.

Read the FNCE® Feature Here

September: Morgan McGhee, MPH, RDN

This month we feature a stellar dietitian serving schools across the nation: Morgan McGhee, MPH, RDN (she/her)! Morgan’s distinctive lens encourages school nutrition leaders to shift perspective and foster engagement alongside collaboration within our practice.

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August: Whitney Ellersick, MS, RDN


This month’s spotlight Whitney Ellersick, MS, RDN is no stranger in the garden or in the kitchen. Growing up in a family with a passion for gardening, alongside a strong generation of dairy farmers, excellent cooks and bakers, Whitney’s path towards school nutrition took shape. She was awarded the 2022 International Fresh Produce Association’s Produce Excellence in Food Service award winner for the K-12 sector!

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July: Verena Vancil, RDN, LDN

Say hello 👋 to Verena Vancil, RDN, LDN (she/her)! Verena, a Colombian native, currently hails from Gainesville, FL, where she serves as the Registered Dietitian for Alachua County Public Schools Food & Nutrition Services. Her distinctive journey into school nutrition is a notable example of what hard work and a positive mindset can do!

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June: Sandy Curwood, PhD, RDN

Meet your new 2022-2023 SNS DPG Chair, Dr. Sandy Curwood, PhD, RDN! We are so fortunate to have one great leader after another in this critical role. A big thank you to outgoing chair, Jocelyn Karbo, MBA, RDN, SNS, for the dedication and hard work that she committed to 2021- 2022.

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May: Jamie D. Hartz, MS, RD, LD


Jamie D. Hartz, MS, RD, LD is the Manager of Culinary Systems for Sodexo Culinary Solutions Team. In addition, she is a member of the Culinary Institute of America’s Healthy Kids Collaborative where she co-leads the Plant-Forward Group, working with school chefs across the country to bring vegetarian, vegan and plant-forward recipes to students’ trays. Learn more about Jamie.

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April: Melani Duffrin, Ph.D, RDN, founder of FoodMASTER

To hear Melani Duffrin, Ph.D, RDN, tell it, the founding of the FoodMASTER Initiative was serendipitous. A couple of colleagues met up to collaborate, and boom! A 20-year project providing free mathematics and science curriculum with nutrition themes was born.

Read more about Melani and the FoodMASTER Initiative.

March: April Liles, RDN, SNS and Shennie Quintanilla, MS, RD, LDN

Congratulations to April Liles, RDN, SNS and Shennie Quintanilla, MS, RD, LDN, the winners of the SNS Award of Excellence and SNS Emerging Leader Awards! Click here to learn more about how each winner is making an impact in the field of school nutrition.

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January: Robyn Douglas Scholar, MPP, RDN, SNS

Robyn Douglas Scholar, MPP, RDN, SNS is the Manager of Nutrition, Compliance and Partnerships for District of Columbia Public Schools. With a love of public policy and varied experience as a Clinical Dietitian, Dining Services Manager and Clinical Nutrition Manager, she eventually found her way to school nutrition and has never looked back. DC Public Schools has a unique dynamic which utilizes her knowledge of public policy, management, and love of school nutrition. Click here to learn more about Robyn.

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December: Maribel Alchin, MBA, RDN, LDN

Maribel’s attraction to healthy eating and all things culinary propelled her toward the decision to pursue a degree in nutrition. However, it wasn’t until later in Maribel’s career that she would develop a passion for school nutrition.

After completing her undergraduate in nutrition at Northern Illinois University, Maribel worked as a bilingual nutritionist at the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program, followed by a career as a clinical dietitian in a hospital setting. A few years later, her desire for education landed her at Benedictine University in Illinois where she obtained her Master’s in Business Administration with a concentration in entrepreneurship.

But she didn’t stop there.

Read Maribel's Story

August: Lynelle Johnson, LRD, SNS

Boomtown. Western Star. The city of Williston, N.D., goes by many names. And it’s no wonder. The town, perched on the confluence of the Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers and 60 miles from the Canadian border, has experienced a 210% population jump since 2010, thanks to an oil boom.

Williston Basin School District #7 doubled in size. And now, when other schools are attempting to return to some semblance of normal, the district is once again bracing for growth. A merger with a neighboring district will expand Williston to 5,000 students across 12 schools.

Lynelle Johnson, LRD, SNS, Food Service Director for Williston Public Schools, stands on the very precipice of change. But like any dietitian worth her salt, she’s ready for it.

Read more about Lynelle.

July: Sara Dan, MBA, RD

Is there anything more rewarding than giving back to the school system you grew up in? Sara Dan, Director of Food and Nutrition Services at Sarasota County Schools, grew up in Sarasota, Florida attending the very same school district she is now the director over. Sarasota County Schools is a 50 program school district with approximately 45% free & reduced, and over 300 employees. Leading up to her journey as Director, Sara received her Dietetics degree from the University of Florida and completed her Dietetic Internship at Emory University. After a short stint working in the clinical field, she found herself back in her hometown of Sarasota where she connected with the previous director of Sarasota County Schools, Beverly Girard, at a Dietetics Association meeting. Beverly had been looking for someone to fill the Nutrition Educator position, and Sara was a perfect fit. Since then, Sara has worked in various positions within the program including Internship Coordinator, Training Supervisor, Area Supervisor and now, Director.

Read More About Sara

June: Maria Anderson MS, RD, SNS

Maria Anderson MS, RD, SNS is the Nutrition Services Coordinator for Roseville Area Schools in Roseville, Minnesota. "Amongst all of the hustle and uncertainty of this year, Maria has persevered," Supervisor Angie Richey, MPH, RD, SNS says. "She has maintained a collected and calm demeanor that has helped settle everyone from frontline staff on up. Her work ethic, organization, and passion for food equity has made her a true #trayblazer throughout this pandemic!"

Read More About Maria

May: Jocelyn Karbo, MBA, RDN, SNS


After 13 years as the Child Nutrition Director for Auburn City Schools in Auburn, Ala., Ashley Powell, PhD, RN, SNS, knows one thing for sure. Meet your new 2021-2022 SNS DPG Chair, Jocelyn Karbo, MBA, RDN, SNS!  We are so fortunate to have one great leader after another in this critical role.  A big thank you to outgoing chair, Stefanie Dove MBA, RDN, SNS, for the dedication and hard work that she committed to 2020-2021.  It was a year of unimaginable challenge, but her perseverance and progressive thinking made it one of the best years yet for the DPG.

Jocelyn Karbo, from Fort Worth, Texas, is member oriented and passionate about fighting to make sure every child has access to healthy meals.  She is a champion for school nutrition programs, which is rooted in her admiration for her Aunt who is a cafeteria manager and inspired Jocelyn to enter the field. Join us as we sit down with Jocelyn, to learn more about her and her goals for the DPG this year.

Read More About Jocelyn

April: Ashley Powell, PhD, RD, SNS


After 13 years as the Child Nutrition Director for Auburn City Schools in Auburn, Ala., Ashley Powell, PhD, RN, SNS, knows one thing for sure.

“It’s in you what you will be,” she says.

“When God has a path for you, you just take it. And so, sometimes opportunities are there, and you just need to take the opportunity.” Ashley’s path to child nutrition wound around education. After earning a bachelor of science in nutrition and dietetics, she ended up getting a master’s in education. In 2018, she completed a PhD in education.

Read more about Ashley

March: Lauren Thomas, RDN


If the driving force behind Lauren Thomas, RDN, could be summed up in one word, that word would be connect. Whether she’s building personal connections with students, establishing relationships with farmers and businesses in her community, or connecting the dots for parents struggling to maintain healthy lifestyles during the pandemic, connectedness drives Lauren’s passion for dietetics.

And what better way to connect than through school nutrition?

“School food across the country is now front and center and spotlighted, which I think is amazing,” Lauren says. “Why aren’t we highlighting school food? The amount of local businesses and farmers that we can support because we’re feeding so many kids is amazing.”

Read more about Lauren.

February: Alec Pienta, MS, RD


If you think starting a new job is difficult, try starting it during a global pandemic! Alec Pienta, MS, RD, is the Special Projects Coordinator for Cobb County School District in Marietta, Georgia. The district has 112 schools and over 112,000 students. Alec joined the district in March, just weeks before the COVID-19 outbreak shut down schools. His passion for the program has motivated him to take on all of the challenges of 2020. But, he doesn't stop there. What is most impressive is that Alec has put his career and motivation into high gear by committing to professional development earning additional certificates. Alec reminds us that it's never too soon and it's never too late to learn. Join us for some inspiration and motivation to keep learning - no matter where you are in your career or what is happening in life!

Read more here

January: Laura Burns, RDN


It seems the typical “Happy New Year” message has turned into “Goodbye 2020,” “We Survived,” and “Please let 2021 be better than 2020.” All of the stress that has accumulated is understandable and relatable to many. If you haven’t tended to your anxieties or if you adopted some bad habits during the pandemic- use the new year as a fresh start.

Laura Burns, RDN, is the Wellness Policy Specialist for the Virginia Department of Education. Laura is a wellness champion for children and school nutrition teams all across the state of Virginia. But, we can’t inspire others without first caring for ourselves. Join us as we learn more about Laura and get great tips on self-care for yourself and those around you.

Read more about Laura

The content you are trying to view is for members of the School Nutrition Services dietetic practice group.

December: Ben Atkinson, MS, RDN, CD


Working in a school nutrition program in 2020 feels a bit like taking the RD exam all over again. Dietitians all over the country are being called on to use business knowledge, apply management training, come up with adaptations to handle allergies and clinical-level food modifications on the fly, and still maintain their day jobs. Meet Ben Atkinson, MS, RDN, CD – one such jack of all trades in Auburn, Wash.

“I think we’re all being forced to get out of our bubble and use some of those other parts of being a dietitian. I think it shows the good training that we’ve all had,” Ben said. “I think we’re a creative bunch, and I think that, especially in a pandemic, we’re focused on the right thing. We’re focused on helping our community. We’re focused on keeping our staff healthy and happy. We’re focused on providing good tasting and healthy foods.”

Read more about Ben

November: Shennie Quintanilla, MS, RDN, LDN


Shennie Quintanilla, MS, RDN, LDN is the School Nutrition Communications & Community Outreach Specialist at Cambridge Public School (CPS) in Massachusetts. Uniquely suited for this position, Shennie is a passionate RDN with expertise in food service management and child nutrition, coupled with digital communications, community engagement, and education. Shennie’s main role with CPS, amongst her other responsibilities, is to better represent the district's vision in emphasizing family and community partnerships. The goal is to increase transparency to the community, parents, families and administrators about the nutritious and delicious meals the CPS Nutrition team prepares and serves to students.

Cambridge is a beautifully diverse community comprised of a variety of cultures. One program spearheaded by the CPS Nutrition team designed to embrace cultural diversity and inclusion is the International Flavors Program, which utilizes “taste parties” to enhance the cultural palettes of students and spark menu ideas popular with the diverse student population.

Communication and community engagement has been especially important during COVID-19 and with the onset of alternative meal distribution. Transparency with families and community has been paramount for CPS Nutrition; to let them know the many changes in foods, distribution, as well as providing assurance of food safety during the pandemic.

Read more about Shennie

October: Arminda Kovalchik, RDN, LDN


Arminda Kovalchik, RDN, LDN is the Nutritionist for the Maryland Department of Juvenile Services. Arminda started her position in February, only two weeks prior to the COVID-19 closures. Though her first couple of months have been unique, she has still been able to enjoy the variety of hats a Registered Dietitian wears in the juvenile justice system.

Arminda, or Mindy for short, has the combined responsibilities of a clinical dietitian, nutrition education, and menu planner. “It’s really cool because you very rarely encounter a position where you get to do both clinical and school nutrition...This is not a position most people may gravitate towards, but I would tell other dietitians not to be scared of it. It is such a rewarding job to help people who are underserved and overlooked.”

Join us as we continue to learn about the world of nutrition in the juvenile justice system. Read More

September: Danielle DiCristofano


Danielle DiCristofano is the Registered Dietitian for Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center (JTDC) in Chicago, Illinois. The center’s goal is to provide the kids with a “safe, secure, and caring environment with programs and structure that enhance personal development and improve opportunity for success upon return to the community” ( The nutrition program at Cook County Juvenile Detention Center operates under the National School Lunch Program. When asked what her biggest challenge is at work, Danielle explains the extra layer of difficulty that she faces because all decisions she makes can impact the safety of the kids. Although uniquely challenging, Danielle's job is incredibly rewarding. Danielle shared how happy it makes her just to walk through the halls of the center.

“I love walking through the hallways and seeing the kids run up to their windows, excited to share with me their feedback on menu items or ask nutrition questions. When you’re locked up, food is sometimes what you look forward to all day. The kids get excited about food and that makes me happy that I can make their lives a little better.”

Learn more about the unique challenges of being a dietitian in the juvenile justice system and the life-changing project that Danielle has lined up for her youth at Cook County JTDC in this month's Member Spotlight.

August: Lauren Couchois


A short two months into her new role at Greenville County Schools, Lauren Couchois and her team are reinventing their entire food service program, while still trying to maintain student favorites and community engagement. Lauren may not have a resume of global pandemic experience (who here does?), but she does have extensive experience in school nutrition to help her navigate these uncharted waters.

Learn more about fellow member, Lauren, and her school district's plan for feeding students on a complex hybrid schedule.

Read More About Lauren

July: Teresa Turner, MS, RD, LDN, SNS, FAND


Teresa Turner, MS, RD, LDN, SNS, FAND, is the Army Child and Youth Services Nutritionist on base at Fort Meade in Maryland. She is the Food Service Manager for three child development centers, two school-age centers, and a middle school/teen center, all operating under CACFP. One short conversation with Teresa is enough to ignite thoughtful conversation, fueled by her passion for equity and justice. We talked about equity and justice in regard to food access and most simply, as humans.

The Black Lives Matters Movement and the COVID-19 Pandemic have, in a way, created the perfect storm for us. School Nutrition Programs have been able to feed all children at no cost, no identification needed. Amidst the chaos of the pandemic, the death of George Floyd sparked protests nationwide. Teresa emphasizes the importance of not only continuing the conversation but, more importantly, self-reflecting on how we can be the change every day.

Read More About Teresa

February: Melissa Halas, MA, RDN, CDE


Melissa Halas, MA, RDN, CDE, has always had a passion for nutrition education and working with kids. She became interested in nutrition early in life due to her own personal battle with food allergies. In 2006, after years of working in clinical nutrition, she decided to launch her own website and educational materials called SuperKids Nutrition.

When talking about school nutrition, Melissa emphasized that "kids spend most of their waking hours at school. If we want to create healthier kids, communities and a thriving nation, we need to meet them where they are! Schools are like centers for the community. We know engaging parents in their child's education leads to better academic success. The same goes for good nutrition and fitness. Engaging parents and teachers about good health choices help them model good choices for their kids and students."

Melissa, who is originally from Philadelphia, lives in Pasadena, California. Her love for staying active, gardening, and cooking fuel her creativity when the pen hits the paper. Learn more about Melissa and her career in making communities healthier!

Read more about Melissa Halas' inspiring work here!

January: Lydia West, MPH, RD, LD, CC


Lydia West, MPH, RD, LD, CC has always been at the forefront of the school food evolution. She has been covering ground, all over the country, through her work with the Mississippi Department of Education, her role on Chef Cyndie’s K-12 Culinary Team, and in her current career as an independent consultant.

Lydia is helping countless districts serve delicious and nutritious meals through innovative ideas and her passion for cooking. Join us for a fun and interesting conversation with Lydia, where we talk about the history of the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act, Mississippi Recipes for Success, current challenges in school nutrition programs, and self-care (even with a crazy schedule)!

Read more about Lydia West's inspiring work here!


December: Livia Berg, RDN


Livia Berg, the Nutrition Education and Marketing Specialist for Norfolk Public Schools, has always lead with her heart in serving communities and fighting against hunger. As a former AmeriCorps member and No Kid Hungry Cooking Matters Coordinator, Livia has dedicated her career to caring for others through the power of food.

This season, Livia and Norfolk Public Schools are going the extra mile to feed their community during the winter break. They will be piloting their new holiday feeding program. The NPS team recognized that the need for nutritious meals does not end when school is closed. No belly will be empty this winter, thanks to the full hearts of the Norfolk Public School's Nutrition Staff.

Read more about Livia and Norfolk’s inspiring work here!

November: Jeff Caguioa, RD, LD, SNS


Jeff Caguioa RD, LD, SNS, who is originally from Dallas, is Chartwells' Resident Dietitian for DeSoto Independent Schools in Texas.

Jeff graduated from the Culinary Institute of America and adventurously decided to apply his studies to an international gustatory tour. His major in nutrition, minor in business, and passion for food is a triple-threat for enhancing school nutrition programs.

Learn more about Jeff and his work in Texas schools.

August: Shannon Ebron, MS, RDN, LD


There may need to be a patent for this clever hashtag and genius concept at Fox Consolidated-6 School District in Arnold, Missouri. Shannon Ebron, MS, RDN, LD, is the Assistant Director at Fox C-6. She and her team are excited for the launch of a new manager mentorship program for the 2019-2020 school year.

Join us as we get to know Shannon and learn more about the program that can improve school nutrition programs in any district.

👉 FUN FACT: Shannon won the votes in naming the new Spoodle Report. Thanks for the fun and clever name Shannon! 👏

July: Kelley Toon, MS, RDN, LD


Kelley Toon, MS, RDN, LD, is the Academic Nutritionist for the Georgia Department of Education. She is the first to fill this unique and much needed role. Kelley enlightens us with more details about her job and the potential future of this new and exciting position in the field of school nutrition.

Join us as we get to know Kelley and learn more about her career.

June: Katie Bambacht, RDN, LDN, SNS


Holy cow. When did milk get such an udderly bad rap? Fears about sugar, fat-content, flavoring, intolerances, non-organic vs organic, and milk alternatives-- this is what I like to call the milk meltdown! There are many conversations and misperceptions around milk, both in the world of school nutrition and from the position as a consumer and dietitian.

We asked a fellow DPG member to clear up the air for us on a few questions that we had. Katie Bambacht, RDN, LDN, SNS, is the director of school nutrition for the National Dairy Council (NDC). Katie and her team at NDC is dedicated to translating science-based health and nutrition information so that we respond to our customers with knowledgeable answers that are supported by research. “I strive in my work to help children eat right, move more, fight hunger and provide education around sustainable practices from farm to table and the body of science supporting dairy’s role in child health and wellness.”

Get to know Katie and gain valuable knowledge from her in this month's Member Spotlight.

May: Elizabeth Campbell, MA, RDN


Elizabeth Campbell, MA, RDN, is the Senior Director of Legislative and Government Affairs for the Academy. Liz’s passion for policy is rooted in her family, as she is the proud daughter of a father who was the president of the United Steelworkers Union. She began working for the same company that employed her father, while she studied Human Resources and Industrial Labor Relations. Liz intended on becoming a labor lawyer, until she realized that she had a natural draw towards nutrition. Her interest in policy translated to a career dedicated to expanding food access.

Liz is currently the lead of the Academy’s Child Nutrition Reauthorization (CNR) working group. She and her team of esteemed school nutrition professionals are working together to influence congress and move the reauthorization in the right direction to protect and improve our programs. The recently release School Nutrition and Meal Cost Study is a significant supporting document in their fight. It is also an extremely beneficial tool for SFAs who need to advocate for their programs and educate the public on our improved nutritional quality of meals since the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010.

Read more about Liz and the CNR working group here.

April: Dalia Kinsey, RD, LD


Dalia Kinsey, RD, LD, is the dietitian for Bibb County School District in Macon, Georgia. She has been an inspirational voice in the field of dietetics, supporting, encouraging, and educating others on diversity. She proudly and confidently provokes dialogue about diversity in the dietetics profession; conversations that most feel uncomfortable or too scared to discuss. She also has some very exciting news… SPOILER ALERT- she has a school nutrition podcast coming out in August 2019.

Access the full article here.

March: Cyrpress-Fairbanks Independent School Featuring Member Katie Barckholtz, MPH, RD, LD


Katie Barckholtz, MPH, RD, LD, is the Marketing and Special Diets Coordinator at Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School, located in Harris County, Texas. Katie and her team at Cy-Fair ISD have created a food culture that is fun, innovative, and most importantly, delicious!

Between their scrumptious pork banh mi sandwiches, creatively branded department, and new hydroponic gardens, they are redefining school nutrition. Read more about Cy-Fair and Katie’s exciting role. We encourage readers to feel inspired and borrow these great ideas!

Access the full article here.

February: Jonathan Isbill


Dietetic interns offer fresh ideas, new energy, and currency to the field of nutrition. It is especially important that we encourage students to explore the field of school nutrition, so that we too can stay current. We want school lunch to be cool right?!

Dietetic intern, Jonathan Isbill, from Ball State University, has a natural passion for school nutrition and wants to tell us all about his experience during his school nutrition rotation and his excitement for his future as a dietitian.

Check out Jonathan’s spotlight article here!